Child Psychology

Child Psychology one of the branches of psychology. This particular branch focuses on the mind and behaviour of children from prenatal development through adolescence. Child Psychology deals not only with how children grow physically but with their mental, emotional and social development as well.

Duration- 30 Sessions of 60 Minutes each

Mode – off- Line


1)  Provides a rich background of information about Children’s behaviour and psychological growth.

2) Provides information about psychological scales for measuring a child’s development status.

 3) Provides understanding of basic Psychological Process like learning, motivation and maturation and socialization, reasoning etc.

4) For better understanding of adolescence and adult behaviour.

5) To understand more about the pre-natal life of the child.


1) Develop a working knowledge of psychological contents, areas and application of psychology.

2) Appreciate and apply various theories of learning in the practical world.

3) Understand how psychological theories and principle are relate to everyday life and apply skill to solve problems.

4) Expanded knowledge’s of various assessment Procedure.

5) Expanded knowledge’s of various aspects of cognition.