Computer literacy is an understanding of the concept terminology and operation that relate to general computer use, it is the essential knowledge needed to function independently with a computer.

This Functionality includes being able to solve and avoid problems adopt to new situations keep information organized and communication effectively with other computer literate people.

Duration- 30 Sessions of 60 Minutes each

Mode- off- Line


  1. Helps to develop abilities, skills, attitude and cognitive learning in students (Learner)
  2. Identify basic terms, concepts and functions of computer system
  3. To develop proficiency in problem –solving techniques using the computer
  4. To improve quality of teaching –learning through use of computer literacy.


  1. Identify basic terms, concept and function of computer system components.
  2. Select and use of appropriate software application to complete a task.
  3. Identify basic concepts and procedure for creating, viewing and managing files and folders for different operating system
  4. Explain what a computer is how to proceed data and it’s use produce information in society.