The drama concentrates on generating all round development of the student by offering an exposure to Indian drama practices. With focus on traditional drama styles, the drama specialization provides technical training and a strong base of creative work. Students are enabled to develop a deeper understanding in their interests like makeup, costume, set, music, writing, lights, and others through experimental approaches in pedagogy.

Duration: – 30 sessions of 60 minutes each

Mode: – Offline


Create theatrical understanding of conceptual frameworks related to drama and theatre. Provide the opportunity for students to develop their significant level of competency in drama and performance. Provide a broad-based curriculum exceptional professional guidance which encourages students to pursue collaborative and creative work in future. Expose students to academic training and practical experience that will help them pursue careers in drama theatre related areas.


Program out comes:

  • Develop imagination and creativity.
  • Develop communication skills.
  • Develop skill of role play.
  • Understanding the role of hot seat.
  • Nurture social skills and values.
  • Develop artistic skills.