A learning disability or specific developmental disorder, is a disorder that inhibits or interferers with the skill of learning. Learning disabilities are life disabilities they are seen in children as well as adults .The impairment may be subtle that it may go undented throughout the life

Duration– 30 Sessions of 60 Minutes each

Mode – off-line

Objectives –

1) To deepen the understanding of teachers about the nature and need of students with learning disability and related condition in classrooms.

2) Provide knowledge about the processes of curriculum adaptation, assessment and educational programs planning for students with learning disabilities.

3) To enhance teacher’s ability to apply research based teaching method for children with learning disabilities in regular school classroom.

4) Develop competencies needed to function as effective inclusive school teachers.


1) In depth understanding about Educational psychology domains.

2) Update knowledge on learning Disability practices.

3) Practice work Knowledge about academic assessment.

4) Expertise to strength your professional practice.

5) Learning Disability managing Expertise.

6) Expert to conduct empowerment Programs on academic achievement students, teachers and Parent.